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Disruptive Opportunistic Innovation
Disruptive Opportunistic Innovation
Creating solutions that matter

Learn about GenX Enterprises

GenX Enterprises


We wait for no one. We are determined, resourceful, passionate and capable.
We maintain an aggressive approach to opportunistic solutions development, with the ultimate goal of providing customers with a quality, reliable alternative choice to the norm, by creating solutions that matter.

GenX Enterprises, the security of a diverse portfolio of online businesses.


We constantly monitor the Web for new business opportunities, both in existing and emerging markets. Once we identify a business opportunity, we act immediately, pooling our resources, expertise with a no fuss, void of politics , startup mentality

We never, ever, put all our eggs in one basket, our approach to generating revenue streams is non-conservative, multi-pronged, through diversification, which provides revenue security.


In the majority of cases, we aim within days of identifying a new or existing business opportunity, to roll out a full scale new business as a new trading name of Genx Enterprises Ltd.

This includes Websites, Marketing, payment systems and customer support routes / mechanisms. Innovation at its finest, at breakneck speed, from conception to market launch

Trading Name Projects under Construction

Refferal Website

Referral platform post any type of job, building, landscaping, waste disposal etc

No subsciption fee from members and we dont take a percentage of the customers fee as per a markeplace model.

Its a PAYGO site. We provide a conduit for customers to connect.

UK refferal Website

Referral platform that allows users to post jobs and connect with a man with a van.

We dont take a subsciption fee and we dont take a percentage of the customers fee as per a markeplace model.

Its a PAYGO site. We provide a conduit for customers to connect.

European refferal Website

Referral platform that allows users to post jobs and connect with a man with a van.

We dont take a subsciption fee and we dont take a percentage of the customers fee as per a markeplace model.

Its a PAYGO site. We provide a conduit for customers to connect.

US refferal Website

Referral platform that allows users to post jobs and connect with a man with a van.

We dont take a subsciption fee and we dont take a percentage of the customers fee as per a markeplace model.

Its a PAYGO site. We provide a conduit for customers to connect.

Call Logging Software / CRM

Secure and simple to use, online, cloud based, call logging system.

Essential for start up companies that dont have a CRM and cant afford the large layout costs attributed to user based login numbers

A PAYGO site, pay for the amount of data you need, not user numbers.

Same Day National Courier Service

Currently a project that is on the future development roadmap.

We envisage the expansion of will facilitate the development.

PAYGO or account holder invoicing - Account holders incur a subsciption fee.

Many more projects are on the way, so watch this space.
